This CD features the Cubs Radio highlights of the 2016 World Champions.
The highlights are presented by announcers Pat Hughes (yours truly) and Ron Coomer, as heard on The SCORE in Chicago.
The first half of the CD focuses on the Cubs fantastic regular season of 103 wins and a Division Championship.
The other half showcases the Cubs breathtaking post-season run, which saw them win their first National League Pennant since 1945 and their first World Series triumph since 1908.
An entire track is devoted to the remarkable game 7 of The World Series.
Since baseball on the radio did not exist in 1908, I was lucky enough to be the first Cubs Broadcaster ever to say the words “The Chicago Cubs win the World Series!”
Regarding the final out of the 2016 World Series, it’s hard to think of a bigger moment in Chicago sports history.
If you love the Cubs, this CD has your name written all over it!
Pat Hughes
December 2018
Track Listing
1. Open
2. Intro
3. April & May
4. June & July
5. August & September
6. NLDS vs Giants
7. NLCS vs Dodgers
8. World Series vs Indians, Games 1-6
9. Game 7, 2016 World Series
10. Aftermath
11. Credits
This CD has a special price of $20.00
Cubs fans should also check out the signed scorecards from Baseball Voices.